From individual researchers and laboratories to departments, institutes, and organizations,modern science and engineering areteam efforts.Communities large and small coordinate to expand our understanding of the world and apply that new understanding toinform,involveandadvisecolleagues and the public, and help develop novel products and services for the economy.
Q-SEnSE investigators are involved with the community in many ways, with recent examples included below.
Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar Series
2:00pm Mountain Time, open to all Q-SEnSE investigators, collaborators, students, and postdocs
- Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024 "On Topic" Convergence Seminar:Integration Methods for Enhanced Trapped-Ion Quantum Sensing and Computing(Chiaverini, Allcock, Stick, McConnell, Slichter)
- Tuesday, March 12, 2024"On Topic"Convergence Seminar: Atom Interferometers, (Hogan, Kasevich, Holland)
- Monday, Dec 11, 2023"On Topic" Convergence Seminar: Optical Networks and Interconnects(Shalm, Diddams, Sinclair)
- Monday Nov 6, 2023Inaugural "On Topic" Convergence Seminar:Precision Optical Cavities in Atomic Coupling and Mechanical Sensing (Regal, Leibfried, Sun, Papp)
- Thursday, May 25, 2023:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Anderson & Hume)
- Thursday, Apr 20, 2023:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Miyake & Holland)
- Thursday, Mar 16, 2023:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Thompson, and Education snapshots from Harvard, UNM, and JILA)
- Thursday, Feb 16, 2023:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Safronova & Newbury)
- Thursday, Jan 26, 2023:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Ye & Bennett)
2025 Annual Meeting
Thursday, January 23, 2025 -- ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN (Senior Investigators, Interested Students) JILA Auditorium to Start
- 9:00am Opening Discussions
- Coffee & Bagels while they last
- 9:00 Feedback from NSF 2024 Panel Report (ONeil)
- 9:15 Scientific outlook and challenges, potential themes for Phase II proposal and general layout for team investigators (Ye, Regal)
- 9:45am Phase II Proposal -- Sample Themes & Included Project Groups
- 9:45 Prospects for science goals with precision sensors (Safronova, Doyle, with Zoller bullets)
- 10:05 Squeezing and quantum states in sensing (Kasevich, Thompson)
- 10:25 Integrated photonics and applications (Rakich, Blumenthal)
- 10:45am Break: Coffee & Bagels
- 11:00am Discussions Continue
- 11:00 Applied sensing and industry connections in sensing (Rieker, Knappe)
- 11:20 Clocks and sensor networks (Ludlow, Sinclair)
- 11:40 Qubit-based manipulation and system integration (Kaufman, Allcock)
- 12:00 Theory and general context of quantum information science (Holland, Yelin)
- 12:20 Education and Workforce: Expand & Export (Bennett, Lewandowski)
- 12:50pm Lunch & Informal Networking (h-Bar, X317 / 325)
- 1:50pm Parallel Breakouts (Auditorium, h-Bar, X317 / 325, X390) -- Leaders and Topics shown
- Blumenthal – Integrated lasers (X317/325)
- Diddams – Portable sensors, frequency combs (X317/325)
- Doyle – Molecular science and spectroscopy in precision measurement (X390)
- Hume – Horizons in clocks and sensing (Auditorium)
- Regal – Integrated photonics (X317/325)
- Sun – Solid state sensing and control (Auditorium)
- Yelin – Collective behavior and broad theory concepts (Auditorium)
- 3:20pm Reconvene (Auditorium)
- Breakout Leaders Summarize Their Sessions (1 or 2 Powerpoint sides each)
- 4:35 Parallel Sessions
- A: Student Poster Sessions (JILA X-wing 3rd Floor)
- B: Executive Committee review, prepare for Friday, Major Themes (X390)
- 6:30pm Small Group Dinners & Discussions (each with Leader and related focus plus several participants)
Friday, January 24, 2025, 1/2 Day -- ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN (JILA Auditorium to Start)
Parallel A: Strategies (Senior Investigators)
- 9:00am (Auditorium)
- Coffee & Bagels while they last
- Revisit Themes & Projects (Ye, Regal)
- Identify vertical integration paths and horizontal connectivity
- Identify Interconnections among Themes
- Discuss concepts for equivalent of GC3 and industry connections
- 10:00am Finalize Theme Leaders and Core Drafting Teams
- 11:00am Summary Discussion
- Identify Next Steps (Ye & Regal) & Due Dates Timing (ONeil)
- Enumerate docs needed from each Investigator & due dates (ONeil)
- Adjourn Annual Meeting
- Informal Discussions continue at will (around h-Bar, X317 / X325, X390)
Parallel B: Student Symposium (Students & Postdocs, no Profs) (JILA Foothills Room, 10th floor, Michael Bennett Moderator)
- 9:00am (JILA Foothills Room, 10th floor, Coffee & Bagels while they last)
- 9:00am Guglielmo Panelli (Kasevich, Stanford)
- 9:10am Jason Arakawa (Safronova, Delaware)
- 9:20am Evan Ritchie (Allcock, Oregon)
- 9:30am Tiamike Dudley (Stick, Sandia)
- 9:40am Meiting Song (Blumenthal, UCSB)
- 9:50am Molly Kate Kreider or Matt Heyrich (Diddams, CU Engineering)
- 10:00am Andrew Forbes (Deutsch, UNM)
- 10:10am Break
- 10:20am Student/postdoc Input: What Education and Workforce Development initiatives would you like Q-SEnSE to add?
- 10:50am Break
- 11:00am Mingda Li (Doyle, Harvard)
- 11:10am Enrique Segura Carrillo (Martin, LANL)
- 11:20am Ruoyu Yuan (Rakich, Yale)
- 11:30am Leon Zaporski (Vuletic, MIT)
- 11:40am Alec Cao (Kaufman, JILA)
- 11:50pm Ziyi Zhao(Lehnert, Yale)
- 12:00pm Stephen Randolph (Leibrandt, UCLA)
Wrap-up (All Participants)
- 12:10pm Wrap-up and Adjourn
- Informal discussions continue for those interested
- Box lunches for travel or those continuing informal discussions
- Thursday, Dec 8, 2022: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Industry Roundtable on "National Quantum Infrastructure for Sensing and Measurement: Case Study – Strontium");15 Q-SEnSE Investigators;19 collaborators,students & postdocs;9 Industry experts
- Thursday, Nov 3, 2022: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Sun & Wineland);12 Q-SEnSE Investigators;64 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Thursday, Oct 6, 2022: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Knappe & Vuletic);18 Q-SEnSE Investigators;19 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Wednesday, May 25, 2022:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (& Huang);19 Q-SEnSE Investigators;10 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (& );16 Q-SEnSE Investigators;22 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Wednesday, Mar 2, 2022:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Education & Workforce Special Edition);12 Q-SEnSE Investigators;23 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Gopinath& Diddams);17 Q-SEnSE Investigators;17 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (& );23 Q-SEnSE Investigators;32collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (& Combes);18 Q-SEnSE Investigators;8 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Axelrad);21 Q-SEnSE Investigators;11 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar ( & );23 Q-SEnSE Investigators;45 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021:All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar ( & Rieker);16Q-SEnSE Investigators;18 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Jun 8, 2021: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar ( & );18 Q-SEnSE Investigators;21 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, May 4, 2021: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar ( & ; 22Q-SEnSE Investigators;22 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (& ;22 Q-SEnSE Investigators;28 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar( & ;17 Q-SEnSE Investigators;20 collaborators,students & postdocs
- Tuesday, Feb 23, 2021: All Q-SEnSE Convergence Seminar (Monteleoni & ; 21Q-SEnSE Investigators;21 collaborators,students & postdocs
2024NSF Site Visit (Hybrid, Boulder)
- Day 1, Thursday, June 27--ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN
- 9:00 amWelcome & Executive Overview(Ye),JILA Auditorium & NSF Zoom, (30 min + 10 Q&A)
- 9:40 am Education & Workforce (Bennett,Perkins), JILA Auditorium & NSF Zoom (30 + 10)
- 10:20 am Mini-break (near Auditorium & patio, 10 min)
- 10:30 am Brief Research Highlights, JILA Auditorium & NSF Zoom, (each10 min + 5 Q&A)
- Laura Sinclair (Senior Investigator, NIST)
- Shuo Sun (Senior Investigator, JILA)
- Thanmay Sunil Menon (Student, Regal and Knappe)
- Alec Cao(Student, Kaufman)
- 11:30 am Transition to JILA 10th floor Foothills Room (15 min)
- 11:45 am University Senior Administrators, JILA 10th floor, Foothills Room (25 min)
- 12:10 pm Panel with Representative Grad Students & Postdocs(working lunch, provided), JILA 10th floor & JILA Zoom (40 min + 5 min transition)
- 12:55 pm Panel with Representative Senior Investigators, JILA 10th floor & JILA Zoom (40 min + 5 transition)
- 1:40 pm Break (15 min)
- 1:55pm Broad View& Final Q&A with Q-SEnSE Leadership, JILA 10th floor
- Industry, infrastructure development, partnerships, collaborations
- 2:30 pm End Day 1
- Day 2, Friday, June 28--ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN
- 9:00 amPanel with PI and Executive Committee, JILA 10th floor Foothills Room & JILA Zoom (1 hr)
- 10:00 am Private session for Panel, JILA 10th floor(working lunch, provided ~ 11:30), JILA 10th floor (3hrs)
- 1:00 pmClosingdiscussion with Center Leadership, JILA 10th floor (30 min)
- 1:30 pm End Day 2 and Formal Site Visit Agenda
- Optional lab tours:
- ~ 1:30 pm QEI Labs, Engineering Bldg ECNW 1B25 , Mazurek/Rieker
- ~ 2:30 pm JILA X1B30, Thompson
- ~ 3:15 pm JILA X1B05, Kaufman
Special Event: 2024 UNM Summer Course on Optimization for Quantum Information and Quantum Foundations
Course coordinators:
- Cunlu Zhou,
- John DeBrota,
Schedule: The course is roughly every Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm MDT.
Participation: We welcome all from QSEnSE to participate remotely via Please contact one of the coordinators to get the Zoom password. or ask about prerequisites etc.
2023Annual Meeting (in Person, Boulder)
- Wednesday, August 9--ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN
- Schedule TBD
2023 NSF Site Visit (in Person, Boulder)
- Thursday, August 10 --ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN --JILA Auditorium
- 9:00amWelcome & Overview for NSF Visit Team (Ye, Bennett)
- 10:00amEducation & Workforce: Focus (Lewandowski)
- 10:20amQuantum Theory: Fundamental Physics (Rey &Zoller)
- 11:00amBreak
- 11:15amEntangled Sensors (Kasevich)
- 11:55amQuantum Education and Online Outreach: PhET Design (Ariel Paul)
- 12:20pmLunch & Posters: X-Wing 3rd floor & hBar Balcony
- 1:20pmPhotonics for Quantum Sensing (Chiaverini & Rieker)
- 2:00pmParallel (Private A - Reprenentative Faculty in JILA X590;Informal Chats for others in X317/325)
- 2:30pmParallel (Private B -Senior & JILA Administrators in JILA X590;Informal Chats for others in X317/325)
- 3:00pm Lab Tours (Engineering - 5 minute walk, Rieker & Diddams)
- 4:00pm End of Day 1
- Friday, August 11 --ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN --JILA Auditorium
- 9:00amClock Networks: Fundamental Physics (Safronova)
- 9:40amExpanding the qubit and qumode toolbox (Allcock)
- 10:20am Break
- 10:35am Coupling to Industry: an Example (Anderson)
- 11:00am Parallel (Private C - Representative Grad Students in JILA X590;Informal Chats for others in X317/325)
- 11:30am Parallel (Private D - Representative PostDocs in JILA X590;Informal Chats for others in X317/325)
- 12 Noon Lunch & Posters: X-Wing 3rd floor & hBar Balcony
- 1:00pm Final Q&A with Q-SEnSE Executive Committee in JILA X590
- 2:00pm Lab Tours (JILA - Group A {Thompson, Regal, Sun}and Group B {Lehnert, Rey, Ye})
- 3:00pm Adjourn Day 2 & Site Visit
Special Event: 2023 UNM Summer Course on Quantum Internet and Quantum Metrology
Course coordinators
- Tzula Propp,
- Marco Rodriguez,
Course Sessions: Every Wednesday from 3:00pm to 5:30pm Mountain Time, with both in-person attendanceand virtual attendance by Zoom
- Apr 27 & May 4, 3:30- 4:30pm Mountain
- May 31 - Jun 28, 3:00 - 4:00pm Mountain
- Jul 12 - Aug 2, 3:00 - 4:00pm Mountain
For prerequisites, course description, Zoom links, and additonal details:
2022 SQuInt Workshop, October 20-22, 2022 at Berkeley.
Q-SEnSE partnerUniversity of NewMexico'sSQuInT Center will hold its 2022 workshop at Berkeley, October 20-22, 2022. The is available online.
Collaboration Builders for Grand Challenges 2 & 3
Informal lunches to spark novel pair-wise collaborations among Investigators in Grand Challenges 2 & 3. Currently scheduled for noon in Boulder, with highlights presented in the next Convergence Seminar chat session.
- Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Noon Mountain Time
- Monday, Apr 11, 2022, Noon Mountain Time
- Wednesday, Mar 2, 2022, Noon Mountain Time
- Thursday, Jan 27, 2022, Noon Mountain Time -- CANCELLED for Covid Restrictions
- Thursday, Nov 18, 2021, 12:30pm Mountain Time
Grand Challenge Crystallization (Team-building) Meetings
- Feb 23, 2021: Grand Challenge 2 Crystallization Workshop II (Axelrad, Knappe,&Rieker organizers; 20 Q-SEnSE Investigators)
- Oct 23, 2020: Grand Challenge 3 "Crystallization Workshop" (14 Q-SEnSE Investigators)
- Oct 22, 2020: Grand Challenge 2 "Crystallization Workshop" (25 Q-SEnSE Investigators)
- Oct 13, 2020: Grand Challenge 1 "Crystallization Workshop" (26 Q-SEnSE Investigators)
2022 NSF Site Visit
- Tuesday, August 16--ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN; All sessions via Zoom
- 9:00am Private -- For NSF Site Visit Panel Only
- 10:00 Welcome and Overview (Ye, 20 min + 10Q&A)
- 10:30amEducation & Workforce Development (Bennett, 15 min + 10Q&A)
- 10:55amQuantum Sensing 1: Quantum sensors in space and fundamental physics (Safronova, 15 min + 10Q&A)
- 11:20am Break (10min)
- 11:30am Quantum Sensing 2:Precision sensing and fundamental physics (Lehnert, 15 min + 10Q&A)
- 11:55amComputing Applications & Sensing: Quantum algorithms and machine learning for sensing (Holland & Monteleoni, 20 min + 10Q&A)
- 12:25pm Lunch Break (40 min)
- 1:05pmConvergence (Regal, 10 min + 5 Q&A)
- Student & Postdoc Research "Quick Views"(each 2min + 3 Q&A)
- 1:20pmExperimental progress in trapped-ion motional state control for quantum sensing (JeremyMetnzer, Oregon, Allcock group)
- 1:25pmInteracting spin-orbit coupled fermions in Wannier-Stark optical lattice clock (Anjun Chu,JILA, Rey group)
- 1:30pmUltracold SrOH molecules for quantum sensing of ultrlight dark matter (Zack Lasner,Harvard, Doyle group)
- 1:35pmTowards programmable quantum sensors with alkaline earth atom arrays (Aaron Young,JILA, Kaufman group)
- 1:40pmToward quantum-enhanced atom interferometry (Guglielmo Panelli,Stanford, Kasevich group)
- 1:45pm Break (15min)
- 2:00pmPrivate visit withUniversity Administration (Ruzzene (until 2:30), Bright, Molenaar, Farmer, Wilson, Lehnert, Ritzwoller; 30 min)
- 2:30pm Private visit withCenter management other than PI & Co-PIs (Regal, Bennett, ONeil, Pryzgocki; 30 min)
- 3:00pm Wrap-up and Adjourn Day 1
- Wednesday, August 17--ALL TIMES MOUNTAIN; All sessions via Zoom
- 9:00 Industry Engagement: Status and Outlook (Makotyn, 10min + 10Q&A)
- 9:20am Quantum Sensing 3: Photonics for quantum sensing (Diddams, 20 min + 10Q&A)
- 9:50amSpin squeezing for clocks & interferometers (Thompson, 20 min + 10Q&A)
- 10:20amBreak (20min)
- 10:40amMicroscopic control of entanglement (Martin, 20 min + 10Q&A)
- 11:10amGrand Challenge 3: Status and outlook (Kasevich, 20 min + 10Q&A)
- 11:40amLunch Break (40 min)
- 12:20pmPrivate Visit: Representative Grad Students 45 min; Emily Caldwell (NIST, Newbury), Annika Lunstad (Harvard, Doyle),Jeremy Metzner (Oregon, Allcock), Maya Miklos (JILA, Ye), Sean Muleady (JILA, Rey), Guglielmo Panelli (Stanford, Kasevich), Emily Haoyue Qiu (MIT, Vuletic),Enrique Segura (LANL, Martin), Jacob Siegel (NIST, Ludlow), John Wilson (JILA, Holland), Aaron Young (JILA, Kaufman)
- 1:05pmPrivate Visit: Representative Postdocs,45 min; Tori Borish (JILA, Lewandowski), Simone Colombo (MIT, Vuletic), Zack Lasner (Harvard, Doyle), Garrett Mathews (CU Engineering, Rieker)
- 1:50pm Break (15 min)
- 2:05pmPrivate Visit: Representative Senior Investigators (Deutsch,Diddams, Doyle, Lehnert,Leibfried, Rey, Stick, Thompson; 30min)
- 2:35pm Private Visit: QLCI Leadership (Ye, Kasevich, Knappe, Rieker, Safronova(unless mid-flight), Regal, Bennett, ONeil; 60 min)
- 3:35pm Wrap-up and Adjourn Site Visit
Special Event: 2022 Summer Schoolon Many Body Physics for Quantum Information and Sensing
Schedule (Friday, August 19, 2022, all times Mountain) by 5:00pm Mountain on Tuesday, August 16
- 9:30-11:45am
- 11:45am - 1:00pmLunch Break
- 1:00-2:00pm Career Panel Q&A
- Featuring postdoc researchers and early-career scientists with PhDs in AMO physics
- The career panel will includea scientist from Quantinuum, a postdoctoral researcher in physics education research, a postdoctoral researcher in AMO physics, and a scientist from Apple
- 2:15-3:15pm Interactive computational workshop by Prof. Josh Combes
- We will go over exercises on spin squeezing on a Jupyter notebook followed by a group discussion.
Registration is free and open for everyone including those whose PIs aren’t directly funded by Q-SEnSE.
by 5:00pm Mountain on Tuesday, August 16
2022 Annual Meeting
- Wed June 29 --All times Mountain; All presentations deliveredvia Zoom
- 10:00am Private Session:Executive Committee and External Advisory Board (15 min + 5 Q&A)
- 10:25amCenter overview and update(Ye, 15min + 5 Q&A)
- 10:50amEducation & Workforce overview and update (Bennett, Deutsch, Lewandowski, 20 min + 5 Q&A)
- 11:20amClocks in space, precision sensing, and contributing science and technologies (Lehnert, Safronova, Axelrad, 35 min + 5 Q&A)
- 12:05pmQuantum algorithms and machine learning for sensing (Holland, Yelin, Monteleoni, 35 min + 5 Q&A)
- 12:45pm Lunch break (30 min)
- 1:15pm Student Council Overview (Na Narong, 10 min + 3 Q&A)
- 1:31pmStudent talks (each 12 min + 3 Q&A), all from JILA X317
- 1:31pm Lasner (Harvard, Doyle)
- 1:49pm Rege (CU Engineering, Monteleoni)
- 2:07pm Metzer (Oregon, Allcock)
- 2:25pm Panelli (Stanford, Kasevich)
- 2:43pm Young (JILA, Kaufman)
- 3:01pm Industry Overview (Makotyn, 10 min + 5 Q&A)
- 3:19pmPhotonics for quantum sensing (Rieker, Diddams, Combes, 35 min + 5 Q&A)
- Thu June 30 --All times Mountain; All presentations deliveredvia Zoom
- 10:00amSpin squeezing for clocks and interferometers (Thompson, Rey, Kasevich, 35 min + 5 Q&A)
- 10:45amStudent talks (each 12 min + 3 Q&A), all from JILA X317except as noted
- 10:45am Chu (JILA, Rey)
- 11:03am Kiehl (JILA & CU Engineering, Regal & Knappe)
- 11:21am Lunstad (Harvard, Doyle)
- 11:39am Na Narong (Stanford, Hollberg)
- 11:57am Poggi(UNM), presented from UNM
- 12:15pmLunch break (30 min)
- 12:45pmGrand Challenge 3 update and discussion (Kasevich, Thompson, Kaufman, Ye, 30 min + 5 Q&A)
- 1:20pmMicroscopic control of entanglement (Leibfried, Doyle, Martin, 35 min + 5 Q&A)
- 2:00pm External Advisory Board
- 2:00pmClosed Session (30 min)
- 2:30pm with Executive Committee (30 min)
- 3:00pm Annual Meeting Adjourns
Earlier Community Events
- Aug 16-17, 2022:NSF Year 2Site Visit (Investigators, Collaborators,Students, Postdocs, Staff)
- Aug11-12, 2021: NSF Year 1 Site Visit (Investigators, Collaborators,Students, Postdocs, Staff)
- Jul20-21, 2021: NSF Q-SEnSE Annual Meeting (Investigators, Collaborators, Students, Postdocs, External Advisory Board)
- Dec 18, 2020:Social Intelligence Workshop for Q-SEnSE Leadership (attendees Ye, Regal, Thompson, Lehnert, ONeil et al.)
- Nov 5, 2020: Q-SEnSE Executive Committee Meeting (9 XC Members)
- Oct 8, 2020: Q-SEnSE Executive Committee Meeting (9 XC Members)
- Sep 10, 2020: Q-SEnSE Executive Committee Meeting (9 XC Members)
Invited Talks
- Jul, 2022: “Entanglement-Enhanced Matter-Wave Interferometry in a High-Finesse Cavity,” ICAP International Conference on Atomic Physics, invited talk, Toronto, Canada (Thompson)
- Jun, 2022: “Entanglement for Quantum Sensing in Matter-wave Interferometers, Clocks, and Molecules,” Q-SENSE Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO (Thompson)
- Jun, 2022: "Towards Realizing a Quantum Repeater based on a Spin-Photon Quantum Interface", invited talk at DAMOP, Orlando, Florida (Sun)
- Jun,2022: "Towards Realizing an All-Photonic Quantum Repeater Based on a Spin-Photon Quantum Interface", invited talk at Quantum 2.0, Boston (Sun)
- Jun, 2022: “Entanglement-Enhanced Matter-Wave Interferometry in a High-Finesse Cavity,” DAMOP Invited talk, Orlando, FL (Thompson)
- May, 2022:“Approaching the Solar Planck Limit with Dual-Comb Passive Thermal Light Spectroscopy” Invited Talk, CLEO 2022 (Diddams et al.)
- Apr, 2022: "Deterministic Single-photon Optical Nonlinearity Enabled by a Quantum Dot Spin", invited talk at Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2021, Hangzhou, China (Hybrid) (Sun)
- Mar, 2022: “Optical lattice clocks: From Timekeepers to Spies of the Quantum Realm”, School of Physics Colloquium (virtual presentation), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA (Rey)
- Mar, 2022: “Spin squeezing with finite range spin-exchange interactions”, invited talk. 85th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting (virtual presentation), Erlangen, Germany (Rey)
- Feb, 2022: “Optical lattice clocks: From Timekeepers to Spies of the Quantum Realm”, CCQ/CQOM Colloquium (virtual presentation), Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (Rey)
- Jan, 2022: “Experiments in Many-body Cavity QED: Entangled Matterwave Interferometers, Superradiant Lasers, and Dynamical Phase Transitions”, Quantum Science Seminar Mainz, Virtual (Thompson)
- Dec, 2021, "How DoesLaser Cooling of Molecules Work?", lab presentation to high school students bygraduate students Justin Burau, Kameron Mehling, and Parul Aggarwal in Ye group.
- Nov, 2021, “Preparing for the Quantum Revolution: What Is the Role of Higher Education?” 2nd European Quantum Technologies Conference (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Nov,2021: "Quantum nanophotonics: engineering atom-photon interactions on-a-chip", Rice University, Quantum Seminars (Sun)
- Oct, 2021: "Quantum nanophotonics: engineering atom-photon interactions on-a-chip", Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Physics Department Seminar (Sun)
- Sep, 2021: "Single-photon level nonlinear optics with nanophotonic cavity QED", invited talk at Annual Meeting of the APS Four Corners Section, Virtual Meeting (Sun)
- Oct, 2021: “Preparing to enter the quantum workforce,” Southwest Quantum Information and Technology Workshop, (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Sep, 2021: “Twists, Gaps, Dynamical Phases, and Supperadiant Emission on Ultra-Narrow Optical Transitions,” COSCALI Collective Scattering of Light, Porqerolles, France (Thompson)
- Sep, 2021: “Preparing to enter the quantum workforce,” Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage: Quantum Career Fair, (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Aug, 2021: “Hiring Challenges in Quantum Information Science”, Keynote address, Quantum Workforce Recruitment in Government Workshop, (virtual) Laboratory for Physical Sciences (Lewandowski)
- Aug, 2021:“QED-C Workforce TAC Webinar: NSF Quantum Centers and their engagement with industry” (Regal)
- Jul, 2021: “Cavity QED systems: metrology with collective states,” Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics: Ultracold Matter, Virtual (Thompson)
- Jun, 2021: “Preparing for the Quantum Revolution: What Is the Role of Higher Education?” Software-Tailored Architectures for Quantum Codesign (STAQ) Virtual Summer School, Duke University (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Jun, 2021: “Preparing for the Quantum Revolution: What Is the Role of Higher Education?” QUEST: Quantum Undergraduate Education & Scientific Training Workshop, Cal State San Marcos (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Apr, 2021: “Preparing for the Quantum Revolution: What Is the Role of Higher Education?” Physics Colloquium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Mar, 2021: “Cavity-enhanced non-destructive measurements for determination of the strontium clock transition linewidth with 30 microhertz resolution,” SPIE Photonics West Optical and Quantum Sensing and Metrology (Thompson)
- Mar, 2021: “Preparing for the Quantum Revolution: What Is the Role of Higher Education?” DOE Office of Science’s Quantum Information Science Education Working Group, (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Mar, 2021: QED-C Quantum Industry Workforce Needs Survey: Preliminary Results”, 2021 QED-C Plenary (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Feb, 2021: “Preparing for the Quantum Revolution: What Is the Role of Higher Education?” NSF Workshop on Quantum Engineering Education, (virtual) (Lewandowski)
- Jan, 2021: Aerospace Corporation Distinguished Speaker Series (Ye)
- Dec, 2020: “Breaking Quantum and Thermal Limits with Collective Physics,” Physics Colloquium, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland (Thompson)
- Dec, 2020: USAF Virtual Quantum Collider 2.0, panel member (Lewandowski)
- Dec,2020: NSF Project Scoping Workshop: "Does the QISE Community Need a Goal-Oriented Distributed User Facility?" (Ye)
- Dec,2020: NQI Community Meeting: NSF, NIST, DOE(Ye,Lewandowski)
- Dec,2020: Overview of Q-SEnSE, CUbit, and JILA for the Missile Defense Agency Advanced Technology Directorate (Regal)
- Nov,2020: Overview of CUbit and Quantum for CO-Labs and U.S. CongressmanJoeNeguse (Ye)
- Nov,2020: OSA High Brightness Virtual Conference (Ye)
- Nov,2020: 2020 Chicago Quantum Summit, hosted by the Chicago Quantum Exchange (Ye)
- Oct, 2020: Quantum 2020, hosted by IOP Publishing, Chinese Physical Society and the University of Science and Technology of China (Ye)
- Oct, 2020 onwards:National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee, organized by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the U.S. Department of Energy (Ye)
- Oct, 2020: ColdQuanta announces public availability of Albert, a remoteacess platform for students anywhere to form, manipulate, and study Bose-Einstein Condensates (Anderson)
- Oct, 2020: IEEE Quantum Week, Quantum Workforce Track, Chair (Lewandowski)
- Sep, 2020: NSF QLCI Grantees' Meeting (Ye)
- Sep, 2020: DOE OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference (Ye)
- Aug, 2020, Virtual Photonics for Quantum 2 Workshop, hosted by Rochester Institute of Technology (Regal)
Archived Entries
November 2019
- Kavli Futures Symposium: Achieving a Quantum Smart Workforce (Lewandowski)
- IEEE Quantum Initiative Sessions at IEEE Rebooting Computing Week 2019 (Lewandowski)