Colloquia: Current Semester
Colloquia: Upcoming Full Schedule
All colloquia take place on Friday from 12:00 to 2:00 pm (unless otherwise noted) both in-person and via Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed out through the ICS community listserves.
If you would like to join the listserve, email ¶Ù²¹²Ô¾±±ð±ô±ô±ð.¹ó°ù²¹²Ô°ì±ô¾±²Ô-1°ª³¦´Ç±ô´Ç°ù²¹»å´Ç.±ð»å³Ü.Ìý
When colloquia can occur in person, they will take place in Room D428 and D430 on the fourth floor of the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøÍø Muenzinger Psychology Building (see the map). If you have questions, please contact ¶Ù²¹²Ô¾±±ð±ô±ô±ð.¹ó°ù²¹²Ô°ì±ô¾±²Ô-1°ª³¦´Ç±ô´Ç°ù²¹»å´Ç.±ð»å³Ü.Ìý
About the ICS Colloquia
Five types of colloquia are presented by ICSÂ
Converging On Cognition
This type of session presents and reviews research efforts by the membership, with discussants who may have differing points of view. The session is structured so that the research under discussion is briefly reviewed, with written details provided prior to the meeting. Most of the session is devoted to exploring such things as what the results mean, both with respect to advancing theory, and how they may be applied across discipline boundaries. Â
State of the Field Tutorial
These meetings are designed to help the membership stay up to date with topics that are related to one’s work, but not one’s main area of expertise. We look to experts within the membership to provide these tutorials to the extent that is possible. These meetings are the forum for members of ICS to identify topics that "I always wanted to know more about…" or "what’s been happening lately in XYZ field."Â
Poster Session
ICS members save the posters that they make for various presentations throughout the year for the annual year-end ICS fiesta and poster session, where the membership can discuss the work informally with the investigators.
Colloquia by ICS Membership
There is some exciting work being done by our own members, and the colloquia are a forum for the membership to share their work with others.
Colloquia: Distinguished Scholar Series
Distinguished researchers in cognitive science are invited to spend a few days at CU-Boulder exchanging ideas with faculty and students. Among the scheduled events are a colloquium given in the core department representing the visitor’s fundamental area of expertise, and an ICS colloquium highlighting the speakers’ interdisciplinary work in cognitive science. Speakers from the business community represent another topic category for one of our colloquia.