
  • Thumbnail of Scott Ferrenberg.
    Scott Ferrenberg and Sasha Reed, EBIO alumni, have published the findings of a 15-year experiment in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This study focused on biocrusts, and how increased precipitation and increased
  • EBIO Staff and faculty standing outside ketchum
    Ketchum Arts & Sciences is a four-story building in the heart of campus. Designed by Charles Klauder and constructed in 1938, it is considered one of the best examples of the Tuscan Vernacular architecture on the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøÍø campus. EBIO has held
  • Students holding their dyed scarves.
    Students from Insect Biology (EBIO 4660/5660, taught by Deane Bowers and Tim Szewczyk) lab dyeing silk (produced by caterpillars of the silk moth, Bombyxmori) with a dye made from cochineal insects (a small white scale insect that feeds on
  • Photo of a bison.
    November 25, 2015 • Natural SciencesNorth American bison adjust their diet seasonally in order to take full advantage of the growing season when grasses become less nutritious, researchers at the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøÍø have discovered.
  • Congratulations to Lauren Shoemaker and Topher Weiss-Lehman, who are recipients of the 2016 Dean's Grants!  It is very rare when one department has multiple recipients, but EBIO has done this three years in a row, showing what a
  • NSF logo thumbnail
    Flowers from the Petunieae: a colorful system for research and education. Clockwise from top right: Petunia, Calibrachoa, Nierembergia, BrunfelsiaStacey Smith, assistant professor in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department has just been
  • Photo of pink microscopic organism.
    Congratulations to Noah Fierer for his recent involvement in an article published in The New Yorker, regarding his work investigating the microorganisms that live in our household dust. You can read the full article here, as well as the
  • Photo credit to M Cantor Whitehead Lab Dalhousie
    Whales have a remarkable social structure much like that in humans and other primates. They form hierarchical societies. In the journal Nature Communications, EBIO graduate student Lauren Shoemaker and colleagues show for the first time that this
  • Thumbnail of Geoff Legault with his poster.
    EBIO graduate student, Geoff Legault from the Melbourne lab was selected as the winner of the Volterra award for best student poster in theoretical ecology for his presentation at this year's Ecological Society of America meeting. His poster was
  • Citheronia caterpillar eating leaf
    EBIO graduate student Tobin Hammer and Professor Deane Bowers were recently featured on the cover of Oecologia. How are herbivorous insects able to subsist on a diet that is often rich in toxic chemical compounds? In this issue Hammer and Bowers
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