
  • NSF logo
    Assisstant Professor, Sam Flaxman was recently awarded a NSF grant for his research on genomic acrchitecture of speciation. See NSF title and abstract below.Title: How predictable is the evolving genomic architecture of speciation?Abstract:Part
  • thermal interpretation of a fragmented landscape
    Temperature changes wreak ecological havoc in deforested areas, CU-Boulder study finds
  • In an effort to improve science education, ºÚÁÏÉçÇøÍø has invested in learning assistants (LAs) - undergraduates paid and trained to teach their peers material in STEM courses. Several EBIO courses employee LA's and are featured in this
  • National Science Foundation logo
    Congratulations to Toby Hammer, Lauren Shoemaker, Topher Weiss-Lehman and Amanda Hund for getting their DDIGs funded!!!  Way to go!  Please see titles below--looks like some very interesting research will be
  • Flowering plant aginst a solid background from the greenhouse
    In the oasis of greenhouses on campus, biology students can make cutting-edge scientific advances, while surrounded by tropical plants in a tranquil setting, where the only sounds you hear are the soft whirring of fans, the rustling of leaves and
  • The Fulbright program sends 800 U.S. faculty members and professionals abroad each year and is intended for candidates who wish to conduct research, teach or undertake a combination of both at an academic institution of their choice in a host
  • Two EBIO Emeritus, Jane Bock and David Norris publish forensic plant science book expected to aid dectectives in solving crimes.
  • Amanda Hund, examining a barn swallow, captured in a net
    Amanda Hund.I am a PhD student in EBIO working with Dr. Rebecca Safran. My research focuses on understanding how parasites may play an important role in how new species form. Specifically, I am interested in how parasites influence the evolution of
  • despite a power outage, Scott Taylor presents to a room of ASN members. Scott holds his laptop up for the crowd
    EBIO Graduate Student, Amanda Hund and Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Scott Taylor were both awarded at the American Society of Naturalists 2016 conference in Asilomar, CA which took place January 2016. Scott
  • Photo of EBIO honors studemt
    The EBIO department's honors program offers select dedicated students the opportunity to peruse research interests, compile and defend a thesis paper. Several papers are accepted and published in respected scientific journals. the department's
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