Administrative Responsibilites, AY 24/25


CHAIRÌý Esther Brown

Executive Committee

Emmy Herland

Tania Martuscelli

Élika Ortega Guzmán

Núria Silleras-Fernández

Coordinated Course Committee

Anne Becher
Susan Hallstead
Juan Herrero-Senés
Emmy Herland
Mary Long
Javier Rivas

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Javier Rivas (Chair)
Juan Herrero-Senés
Juan Pablo Dabove

Grade Appeals Committee

Javier Rivas (Chair)
Vivian Elmore
Cristina Piras
+ one graduate student + one undergraduate student

Graduate Committee

Juan Herrero-Senés (Chair)
Peter Elmore
Javier Krauel
Andrés Prieto

Graduate Student Advisors to the Chair

Rocío Gavira Domínguez (Ph.D.)
Viktoria Katherl (M.A.)
Ana Santos (Ph.D.)

Graduate Teaching Program Leads

Rocío Gavira Domínguez (Ph.D.)
Maria Vazquez (Ph.D.)

Primary Unit Evaluation Committees (PUEC)

Reappointment 1: Juan Pablo Dabove (Chair), Anne Becher
Reappointment 2: Javier Krauel (Chair), Tracy Quan
Reappointment 3: Marcelo Schinariol (Chair), Juan Herrero-Senés
Personnel Process: Javier Rivas (Chair), Peter Elmore
Promotion: Javier Rivas (Chair), Andrés Prieto, Núria Silleras-Fernández

Elizabeth Brower Gift Fund Committee

Anne Becher (Chair)
Vivian Elmore
Cristina Piras

Study Abroad Committee

Javier Rivas (Chair)

Teaching Excellence Committee

Susan Hallstead (Chair)
Karen Malcolm

Quality Teaching Initiative:

Mary Long

Assessment: TBD

Internal Colloquia:

Andrés Prieto
Núria Silleras-Fernández

1010/1150-Level Coordinator: Anne Becher

1020 Coordinator: Emmy Herland

2000-Level Coordinator:ÌýSusan Hallstead

3000/3002 Coordinator: Mary Long

Modified Spanish Coordinator: Anne Becher (interim)

A&S Council:

A&S Executive Committee:

A&S Personnel Committee:

Boulder Faculty Assembly:ÌýJavier Krauel

Honors Council Departmental Representative:Ìý Javier Rivas

Library Liaison:ÌýÌýKathia Ibacache

Portuguese Table Supervisor:ÌýÌýMarcelo Schincariol

Service Learning Sponsor: Karen Malcolm

Sigma Delta Pi Advisor: Emmy Herland

Spanish for the Professions Director: Mary Long

Study Abroad Advisors:ÌýJavier Rivas, TBD

Student Teaching & Certificate Advisor: Anne Becher

Student Teaching Supervisor:ÌýAnne Becher

Spanish Table Supervisor: Javier Rivas

DEI/JEDI: Tracy Quan (Chair), Marcelo Schincariol

External to the Department and not included above:

Susan Hallstead: Education Abroad Committee (Office of International Education)

Mary Long: A & S Instructor Task Force

Núria Silleras-Fernández: Student Affairs Committee (BFA), Boulder Faculty Assembly

Núria Silleras-Fernández: Provost’s Achievement Awards Committee

Núria Silleras-Fernández: CU Art Museum, Curricular Engagement Committee

Núria Silleras-Fernández: Board member, ºÚÁÏÉçÇøÍø Mediterranean Studies Group

StaffÌýReporting Structure:

  • The office student employee(s) reports to Shannon Markusen.

Staff do not report to the faculty, associate chairs, graduate students, or undergraduate students in the department, although they may work in partnership with any of the aforementioned at the discretion of the department chair.

StaffÌýRoles andÌýResponsibilities:

  • Christine Ralston in the Business and Finance Manager. Ask ChristineÌýif you have questionsÌýregarding:
    • Finance and accounting, including faculty research accounts, travel, conference memberships/registrations and reimbursements
    • Payroll
    • Faculty contracts
    • Faculty personnel processes, such as promotion and tenure, post-tenure review, Instructor and Senior Instructor reappointment, etc.
    • Graduate Student Travel
    • Visitor travel and honorariums
    • FMLA, sabbaticals, etc., in conversation with the Chair
    • Graduate student financial actions, such as payroll and scholarship/fellowship processing, financial aid/grants and awards, and travel
    • University Catalog Updates/Course Updates
    • McKenna building maintenance and security
    • Office Telephone
    • Parking Liaison
    • Faculty Computer Purchase Program (FCPP)
  • Shannon Markusen is the Graduate & Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Spanish andÌýPortuguese.ÌýAsk Shannon if you have questions regarding:
    • Curriculum scheduling and enrollment
      • Shannon may direct your inquiry to the Chair, Associate Chairs of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies, and/or CourseÌýCoordinators
    • GraduateÌýStudies,Ìýin collaboration with Professor Juan Herrero-Senés, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies:
      • Assisting prospective graduate students and faculty with the application process
      • Graduate student office keys, desk keys, and name plates
      • Graduate studentÌýdegree tracking
      • Graduate student defense/comps scheduling (PhD and MA)
      • Graduate student contracts
      • Graduate scholarship applications
        • Shannon will direct financial questions related to graduate students, such as payroll or scholarship payment, to Department staff.
    • Enrollment, in collaboration with Professor Javier Rivas, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies
    • Office-related inquiries, including general inquiries, copier, mailboxes, McKenna 103, etc.
    • Department calendar (NOT individual calendars)
    • Requests for website edits
      • If you are requesting edits to your profile on the website, you must submit your edits exactly as you wish for them to appear.
    • Office Keys
    • Booking an event room,Ìýbut only if event is approved by department chair/associate chairs and the room request isÌýsubmitted to Shannon at least 3 weeks in advance of the event
    • Requests you may have for assistance from the student employee (when we have one).

StaffÌýmembersÌýandÌýthe student employee (when we have one) are NOT responsible for doing the following:

  • Duties that are not within the scope of theirÌýresponsibilities.ÌýStaffÌýmembers may direct your inquiry to another party asÌýneeded.ÌýIf aÌýstaffÌýmember directs you to speak with someone else, it is your responsibility to do so.
  • Making copies or scans of any of your materials. This includes both course materials and official materials (ex: evaluationÌýmaterials, etc.). This is in effect even when you are running late.
  • Ordering desk copies.ÌýPlease order these on your own using your own funding.
  • Proctoring exams.
  • Keeping schedules for any faculty orÌýstaffÌýmember (including the Chair).
  • Doing your research. If it is your explicit responsibility to fulfill a duty, it is your job to do the research to figure out how toÌýdo it.ÌýStaffÌýcan answer questions as you go along, within reason.
  • Dropping their projects/current work to deal with your emergency.ÌýStaffÌýmay ask for you to arrange a meeting to addressÌýyour inquiry. As hasÌýbeen communicated by the department chair,ÌýstaffÌýmay need 48 business hours to respond to your email or in-person inquiry.
  • Running errands.
  • Administration for any unit other than the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Any other request you may make of them that is determined to be outside of the scope of theirÌýresponsibilitiesÌýby theirÌýdirect supervisor.Ìý