Zeng, Ziyue 1 ; Hong, Yang 2 ; Shen, Xinyi 3
1 Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
2 School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
3 Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, CT
Due to complex hydrometeorological and geographic conditions, China is continuously affected by severe floods, which often lead to significant losses on human lives and property. Aiming to support the progressive forecasting, analysis and evaluation of flood disasters, we developed a distributed high-resolution Flood Monitoring and Forecasting System and applied it at global, national and regional scales on the platform of China Meteorological Administration (CMA). In this system, based on the SMAP satellite soil moisture data and gauge-combined GSMaP satellite precipitation product, the annual global runoff (April 2015-March 2016, 0.1掳脳0.1掳) is estimated using a new version of global Curve Number (CN) dataset. The estimated monthly runoff shows consistency with the observed data in Jialing River Basin. Furthermore, a distributed hydrological model, the Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) version 2.1, was been used to realize systematical and dynamical simulation of hydrological processes in a fine resolution in China (0.125?脳0.125?and daily for the nation, 1km脳1km and hourly for basins). Embedded a global geomorphology variable database, an Inundation Mapping module (iMap) using CREST simulated streamflow as the main input to calculate flood areas and depths was developed, dependent on which the time series of spatial and temporal dynamic inundation became available. Driven by the merged precipitation product of CMORPH and observations from automatic rainfall stations, simulation results demonstrate good skills in forecasting storm-triggered floods. The performance of iMap also indicated that this system is capable of estimating flood process in Gan river basin and Jialing river basin, thus offering guidance in flood disaster prevention and mitigation for users in China and even in the whole Asia. Enhanced by this system in the ability of flood forecasting and risk assessment modelling, CMA has adopted it as an operational system since 2013. Despite positive performance, more accurate forecasting precipitation data (e.g. Quantitative Precipitation Estimation products) and social-economic data (e.g. GDP, population, prevention measures) are need to improve the predictive capability and robustness of this system.
Weiss, Tristan 1 ; Covino, Tim P 2 ; Brooks, Alex C 3 ; Wohl, Ellen 4
1 Colorado State University
2 Colorado State University
3 Colorado State University
4 Colorado State University
Fluvial networks of mountain landscapes alternate between narrow and wide alluvial valley segments. Wide valley segments are regions of high biodiversity and storage in otherwise narrow, transport dominated reaches1. In North America, beaver (Castor canadensis) engage in dam building that enables the establishment of beaver meadow complexes (hereafter 鈥渕eadows鈥�), characterized by extensive riparian corridors, multi-thread channels, and high levels of river-floodplain connectivity2. However, human land-use and the widespread removal of beaver in these regions has caused many of these systems to shift to a simplified state with limited riparian corridors, high levels of incision, and low river-floodplain connectivity3. In this study, we examined how the hydrology, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem functioning (i.e. instream metabolism) differs between meadows (n=4) of varying beaver activity on the eastern slope of Rocky Mountain National Park. Study sites consisted of a beaver meadow complex (0.38 km2), a smaller active beaver meadow (0.19 km2), a recently abandoned meadow (<10 years, 0.1 km2), and a long-abandoned meadow (>40 years, 0.38 km2), listed in order of decreasing channel complexity. We hypothesized that (1) abandoned meadows would exhibit hydrologic and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) characteristics similar to upstream narrow segments (e.g. little hydrologic attenuation, low levels of carbon transformations, etc.), and (2) complex active meadows would show hydrologic attenuation, variable sink source dynamics of DOC across flow states, and have greater organic matter complexity. Using a combined approach of hydrometric, weekly grab samples, and measurements of dissolved oxygen, we explored seasonal shifts in water, carbon and ecosystem functioning (i.e. instream metabolism). We observed streamflow attenuation at the most complex meadow while the long-abandoned meadow showed water loss to groundwater seepage. Patterns in DOC export and quality at the active meadows remained virtually the same as their narrow reference segments. Alternatively, both abandoned meadows showed increases in DOC export and concentrations and shifts in carbon composition and quality across all flow states relative to their reference segments. Lastly, the two end-member sites (complex-active: simplified-abandoned) showed differences in net ecosystem productivity (NEP), with the complex site sustaining high rates of NEP and the abandoned meadow showing lower more variable NEP. Our results suggest that active beaver meadows have more hydrologic buffering, maintain stable DOC export patterns (flux, concentration and character), and sustain higher rates of ecosystem metabolism relative to abandoned beaver meadows.
Hauer, F. R. et al. Gravel-bed river floodplains are the ecological nexus of glaciated mountain landscapes. Sci. Adv. 2, e1600026鈥揺1600026 (2016).
Polvi, L. E. & Wohl, E. The beaver meadow complex revisited - the role of beavers in post-glacial floodplain development. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 37, 332鈥�346 (2012).
Marston, R. a. River Entrenchment in small Mountain Valleys of the Western USA?: Influence of beaver, grazing and clearcut logging. Rev. g茅ographie Lyon 69, 11鈥�15 (1994).
Webb, Ryan W 1 ; Molotch, Noah 2 ; Fend, Michael 3
1 INSTAAR, 黑料社区网
2 Dept. of Geography, 黑料社区网
Snow is an important component of the hydrologic cycle for numerous communities around the globe. An important consideration for water resource planning is snowmelt runoff timing. Runoff timing can be determined by the difficult to observe physical process of water movement through a seasonal snowpack. The aim of this study is to present a novel method that combines light detection and ranging (LiDAR) with ground penetrating radar (GPR) to nondestructively observe the spatial distribution of bulk liquid water content in a seasonal snowpack during spring snowmelt. We develop these methods in a manner to be applicable within a short time window, making it possible to spatially observe rapid changes that occur to this property (subdaily timescale). We applied these methods at three experimental plots across elevational gradients in Colorado, showing the high variability of liquid water content in snow. Volumetric liquid water contents ranged from near zero to 19% within the scale of meters. We also show the rapid changes in bulk liquid water content that occur over sub-daily time scales. Results of this study show the importance of the lateral flow of water in higher elevation snowpacks and how this process may change in a future climate. The presented methods have a reasonable amount of uncertainty in bulk liquid water content (maximum of 1.5%) making this an applicable method for future studies to observe the complex spatio-temporal dynamics of liquid water in snow.
Torrens, Christa L. 1 ; Lyons, W. Berry 2 ; Welch, Kathleen A. 3 ; Gooseff, Michael N. 4
1 Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado - Boulder
2 Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University
3 Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado - Boulder
4 Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado - Boulder
In the McMurdo Dry Valleys [MDV], Antarctica, glacial meltwater streams are the primary biogeochemical connectors linking glaciers, soils and lakes. These streams control the supply of nutrients and carbon to their terminal lakes, yet little is known about the magnitude, timing or distribution of these fluxes. The McMurdo Long Term Ecological Research project [MCM LTER] has collected over 20 years of sample data on dissolved organic and inorganic carbon in Taylor Valley streamwater; this is the first spatial and temporal analysis of this data.
MDV streams are characterized by strong diel pulses in streamflow, specific electrical conductance [EC], and temperature. Unlike temperate stream systems, there is no terrestrial vegetation, lateral overland flow or deep groundwater connection in MDV streams. As a result, the organic carbon is autochthonous, originating from stream microbial mats. Inorganic carbon is primarily bicarbonate; its source is hyporheic zone weathering. The carbonate system is in atmospheric equilibrium, reflecting the wide and shallow stream channels. Preliminary data show that DIC has a positive relationship with EC and increases with stream length, consistent with increased hyporheic weathering. MDV streams have high DIC and low DOC compared to world rivers. Preliminary DOC analysis shows no clear temporal or spatial patterns, and even appears chemostatic in one short stream.
Stream flood pulse dynamics control carbon loading to MDV lakes. As the climate changes, so will the timing and magnitude of diel flood pulses. This is likely to increase carbon loading to the Dry Valley lakes, altering the ecosystem carbon balance. This study increases our understanding of past and current patterns of carbon fluxes from streams to lakes; understanding past patterns will improve predictions of future changes.
Swanson, Andrew 1 ; Lander, Paul 2 ; Travis, William 3
1 黑料社区网
2 黑料社区网
3 黑料社区网
The Navajo Nation is the largest American Indian Reservation in the United States, located at the Four Corners of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado with territory within all four states, is home to 156,823 Navajo living in an area the size of West Virginia with a median family income of $22,392. The Navajo Nation was formed in 1868, and those familiar with the prior appropriation system of water rights allocation in the Western United States will recognize this as one of the most senior water rights able to be claimed. However, American Indian water rights are in constant contention in Federal courthouses across the country and a common alternative to litigation are negotiated settlements, often for far less water than could be otherwise claimed. However, unfair dealings with various state governments and Federal agencies have left many American Indian nations wary of relying on these same groups for assistance in creating the infrastructure necessary to physically move water to its destination. Reducing the reliance on Federal assistance, both technical and financial, is essential to the retention of Navajo culture and self-determination. As such, having a water supply system that effectively moves water along more cost-effective routes and methods, may depart from the traditional American methods of building water supply systems. This analysis will focus on critiquing current policy direction, outlining a new methodology for a water supply system, and proposing methods for merging the current infrastructure too far in development with the newly proposed policy. This report does not focus on the myriad of American Indian water rights law, instead it focuses on the resources available and making the most of them. Make no mistake, these are people who have had many challenges thrust upon them, and the Navajo have risen to each one. Their ability to respond to the challenge of providing water to their people will determine their ability to remain relevant in the 21st century.
Navajo Division of Health Department of Epidemiology Center., 2010, Navajo Population Profile, p 7-24.
Choudary, T., 2005, Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy of the Navajo Nation 2005-2006, p 14-17
STULTS, John 1
1 黑料社区网
The last decade of oil and gas exploration in the United States has been characterized by a sharp increase in the amount of oil and gas acquired from low-permeability shale formations. These low-permeability formations are non-traditional oil and gas reservoirs, which require hydraulic fracturing to stimulate oil and gas production. Many current and planned hydraulic fracturing operations now encroach on urban and peri-urban areas, raising alarm over the potential groundwater contamination threat posed by chemicals in hydraulic fracturing fluids. The purpose of this study was to develop a risk analysis metric that could be cross-referenced with hydraulic fracturing data to evaluate spatio-temporal trends related to the safety of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing. A risk analysis metric was developed using available transport, persistence, and toxicity data on chemicals found in hydraulic fracturing fluids. Chemicals with available data were given a 鈥渃ombined risk score鈥� based on their transport time, persistence, and toxicity data. Our team compiled PDF and machine-readable data from FracFocus, the largest publicly available database on hydraulic fracturing, into one machine readable database. The FracFocus data used in this study spanned from January 1st, 2011 through data posted as of February 22nd, 2018, and contained 116231 hydraulic fracturing job records. there were 302 chemicals found in FracFocus with available combined risk score data. Every chemical used in the 116,231 hydraulic fracturing jobs was evaluated, and each job was given a 鈥渏ob combined risk score鈥� based on combined risk score of chemicals with available risk used in the job. Out of the 116,231 jobs analyzed, 106,691 (91.8%) had available combined risk score data. There is quasi-significant trend observed of increasing job combined risk scores from 2011 through the end of 2016. There are several spatial regions (i.e. states, sedimentary basins, or shale plays) which have significantly higher job combined risk scores, and several spatial regions which demonstrate significant trend toward increasing job combined risk scores over time. This integrated risk and data analysis approach to evaluating the potential groundwater threat of hydraulic fracturing chemicals is one of the largest and most comprehensive analysis of hydraulic fracturing chemicals ever attempted. Overall, this analysis framework is a valuable tool for oil and gas industry professionals and regulators to assess trends related to the use of hydraulic fracturing fluid chemicals on national and regional scales.
Straight, Brian 1 ; Castendyk, Devin 2 ; Ransom, Brandon 3 ; Filiatreault, Pierre 4 ; Carroll, Jordan 5 ; Wei, Ran 6
1 黑料社区网 - Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2 Golder
3 Denver Water
4 Hatch Associates Consultants
5 黑料社区网 - Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
6 黑料社区网 - Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Unmanned Aerial Systems, commonly known as drones provide an innovative approach to sample the water column in a lake setting. An unmanned aerial water sampling system (UAWSS) has been developed and used to sample Dillon Reservoir in Summit County, Colorado. The UAWSS currently consists of a hexacopter UAV that can be equipped with a conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) probe or 1.2L water sampler. This emerging technology was first tested on September 20, 2016 at Dillon Reservoir. The test flight profiled Dillon Reservoir with the CTD and collected a water sample from 25 m depth. The CTD profile showed a possible layer of surface water inflow from the Snake River. The next test flight conducted at Dillon Reservoir was on April 12, 2017. The accuracy of in-flight procedures to collect a sample at a specific depth was examined by using a pressure transducer attached to the Niskin bottle. Depth measurements taken with the UAS ground station were within +/- 0.7 m of depths measured with the pressure transducer. Procedural protocol for the UAWSS involves profiling the water column with the CTD profiler before water sampling, profiling identifies depths of stratified layers which are targeted for sampling. In this presentation, we provide a comparative study of water samples collected from Dillon Reservoir at the same depths and same day using traditional methods verses the UAWSS. Analyses of cations, anions, conductivity and pH will be compared. The goal is to validate that UAWSS methods provide identical results as traditional methods.
susan.dunlap@mtstandard.com, S. D. (n.d.). Tech student creating new technology to put unmanned boat on the Berkeley Pit. Retrieved February 18, 2018, from http://mtstandard.com/news/local/tech-student-creating-new-technology-to-put-unmanned-boat-on/article_b96ee672-b18a-5fea-a48a-defc0f782469.html
Water-slurping Drones Have Broad Potential | Research at the University of Nebraska鈥揕incoln. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2018, from http://research.unl.edu/annualreport/2014/water-slurping-drones-have-broad-potential/
SanClements, Michael 1
1 The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Over the last several decades dissolved organic carbon concentrations (DOC) in surface waters have increased throughout much of the northern hemisphere. Several hypotheses have been proposed regarding the drivers of this phenomenon including decreased sulfur (S) deposition working via an acidity- change mechanism. Using fluorescence spectroscopy and data from two long-term (24+ years at completion of this study) whole watershed acidification experiments, that is, the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) and Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia (FEF) allowed us to control for factors other than the acidity-change mechanism (e.g., differing vegetation, shifting climate), resulting in the first study we are aware of where the acidity change mechanism could be experimentally isolated at the whole ecosystem and decadal scales as the driver of shifts in DOM dynamics. The multidecadal record of stream chemistry at BBWM demonstrates a significantly lower DOC concentration in the treated compared to the reference watershed. Additionally, at both BBWM and FEF we found significant and sustained differences in stream fluorescence index (FI) between the treated and reference watersheds, with the reference watersheds demonstrating a stronger terrestrial DOM signature. These data, coupled with evidence of pH shifts in upper soil horizons support the hypotheses that declines in S deposition are driving changes in the solubility of soil organic matter and increased flux of terrestrial DOC to water bodies.
Ryan, Joseph 1
1 Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering; University of Colorado, Boulder
Over the past decade, hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling accelerated oil and gas development in Colorado. Much of the development occurred closer to populated areas than in the past and raised concerns about public health and disruption of residential communities. One of the concerns being the effect of oil and gas development on groundwater quality. This presentation will provide updates on water use, frequency and severity of spills, and the occurrence of methane and organic contaminants in groundwater in Colorado鈥檚 Denver-Julesburg Basin.
Rhea, Allison E 1 ; Covino, Tim P 2 ; Rhoades, Chuck 3
1 Colorado State University
2 Colorado State University
3 USFS, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Wildfires influence stream nutrient processing by fundamentally altering the physical structure and biological composition of upland landscapes, riparian corridors, and stream channels. While numerous post-fire studies have documented substantial short-term increases in stream nutrient concentrations (particularly reactive nitrogen, N), the long-term implications for watershed nutrient cycling remain unclear (Bladon et al. 2008, Hauer & Spencer 1998). For example, recent work indicates that nitrate concentrations can remain elevated for a decade or more following wildfire, yet the controls on these processes are unknown (Rhoades et al., in review). This research utilizes empirical data from water quality monitoring, nutrient diffusing substrates, and stream metabolism to isolate controls on nutrient processing across a burn severity gradient. Nutrient diffusing substrate experiments highlight shifts in trophic structure, with greater autotrophic and total biomass after wildfire. Furthermore, there is a relaxation of N and C -limitation in the burned sites. By isolating the mechanisms that reduce the capacity of fire-affected streams to retain and transform elevated nutrient inputs, we can better predict dynamics in post-fire water quality recovery and help prioritize upland and riparian restoration.
Bladon, K.D., Silins, U., Wagner, M.J., Stone, M., Emelko, M.B., Mendoza, C.A., Devito, K.J., and Boon S., 2008, Wildifre impacts on nitrogen concentration and production from headwater streams in southern Alberta's Rocky Mountains: Can. J. For Res., v. 38, p. 2359-2371.
Hauer, F.R. and Spencer, C.C., 1998, Phosphorous and nitrogen dynamics in streams associated with wildfire: A study of immediate and long-term effects: Int. J. Wildland Fire, c. 8, p. 183-198.
Rhoades, C.C., Chow, A.T., Covino, T., Fegel, T.S., Rhea, A., and Pierson, D., In review, The Legacy of Severe Wildfire on Stream Nitrogen and Carbon in Headwater Catchments: Ecosystems.