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INVITED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Hydrological Processes Inferred From Geochemical Data -- Or Vice-Versa?

Hornberger, George M.Ìý1

1ÌýUniversity of Virginia

Understanding the mechanisms by which rainfall is transformed into streamflow in forested catchments is a key prerequisite to understanding pollutant transport, biogeochemical cycles, and aquatic ecosystem functioning. Geochemical tracers often are used to infer water flowpaths and residence times in upland catchments. Conversely, inferences about the evolution of chemical composition of water, through water-rock interactions, depends on knowledge of hydrological processes. Hydrologists and biogeochemists use a variety of methods to draw inferences from observed hydrometric and chemical data, including hillslope and catchment modeling, analysis of stream hydrographs and chemographs, and analysis of time series of stream data. A number of examples will be used to illustrate how hydrological and geochemical inferences are balanced in attempts to develop an understanding of upland forested catchments.