Spring 2025 Course Schedule

As always, the course schedule is subject to changes.  The table of courses below shows all Spring 2025 Honors RAP courses organized by General Education Requirement (Arts & Humanities, Natural Science, Skills, Social Science) and department pre-fix (i.e., alphabetically: CLAS, HIST, HONR...).

Gen Ed DesignationCourseCourse TitleInstructorDaysTimeLocation
Social ScienceANTH 2100Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyKate FischerMWF10:10-11:00S205
Social ScienceASIA 2852 (GEOG 2852)Contemporary Southeast Asia: Environmental PoliticsShae FrydenlundTTH11:00-12:15pmKCEN S163
Natural ScienceEBIO 1220General Biology 2Robert BuchwaldMWF10:10-11:00S200C
Natural ScienceGEOL 1060Global Change, an Earth Science PerspectiveLisa BarlowMWF12:20-1:10S205
Arts & HumanitiesHIST 2166The Vietnam WarsSteven DikeMWF1:25 - 2:15pmS205
Quantitative SkillsMATH 2510Introduction to StatisticsBraden BalentineMWF11:15-12:05S200C
Natural ScienceMCDB 2150Principles of GeneticsTTh3:30 - 4:45pmS200C
Natural SciencePSYC 1001General PsychologyJennifer SchwartzMWF12:20-1:10S200C
Arts & HumanitiesRLST 2800Women and ReligionTTh11:00-12:15S200C
Written Communication-UpperWRTG 3020Topics in Writing:  Travel WritingChristine MacdonaldTTh11:00-12:15S205