• Students at Spring 2020 German Language Day
    German learners from Cherry Creek High School, Broomfield High School, Boulder High School, and Shining Mountain Waldorf School explored the CU campus on February 28 as part of the German Language Immersion Day. High school students tested their
  • Helmut Müller-Sievers
    Congratulations to Professor Helmut Müller-Sievers for his selection as CU's 2019 Distinguished Research Lecturer! As the official announcement says, "The Lectureship is among the most esteemed honors bestowed by the faculty upon a
  • First Encounters Prize Winners
    Students of the fall semester German 2020 course won second and third prizes in the national contest First Encounters (organized by the American Association of Teachers of German) in which learners were invited to explore the German roots and German
  • First Encounters Art Exhibit
    What did the first encounters between German immigrants and the local American population look like? How did Germans adjust to their new environment abroad? And what challenges and problems occurred during these transnational and transcultural
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