- Kelsey Ann Fuller, a second year Swedish language student and doctoral student in music ethnology, is the recipient of the SWEA MAME (Middle Americas Region) 2017 scholarship. SWEA MAME is awarding Kelsey a $2000 scholarship/
- We are happy to announce that GSLL successfully completed searches for the positions of Assistant Professor of Russian Studies and Instructor of Nordic Studies. Please welcome our outstanding new colleagues:Assistant Professor of Russian
- The Swedish Ambassador to the U.S., Björn Lyrvall, visited GSLL on March 10, 2017. The department hosted a reception for the Ambassador in the UMC 5th Floor Terrace. Accompanying the ambassador were Andreas Ershammar, Embassy
- The students in the SWED 3020 Advanced Swedish class had a unique opportunity to use their new language skills in the Spring of 2016. They were asked to write an article for the Swedish magazine Sverigekontakt. The article describes the Swedish
- Head of Nordic Studies Benjamin Teitelbaum has received the research award from Germany's Institute for the Study of Radical Movements for his 2013 dissertation 'Come Hear our Merry Song': Shifts in the Sound of Contemporary Swedish Radical