Wild Bees: The Pollinator Underdogs - Alex Morphew
My foray into biology and research at CU was entirely by chance. Upon transferring to CU in 2014 from Washington D.C., I found a summer research assistantship in the Bower’s Lab working for a USDA-funded study examining bee communities in agricultural ecosystems. Luckily, being stung by bees all summer did not deter me from falling in love with field research, bees, and biology. Since then, my enthusiasm has only continued to grow throughout my coursework in EBIO. With the help of BURST, UROP, and other grants, I have also been able to conduct independent research for my honors thesis. Using traps collected from my fieldwork in 2014, I am examining the potential benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program on cavity-nesting bee populations. Upon graduating in May, I hope to continue my education in an entomology or ecology graduate school program.