Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities for Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
For CU-Boulder Graduate and Undergraduate Students and Metropolitan State University of Denver Undergraduate Students
Application Deadline: February 15, 2024
Program Description
FLAS fellowships administered by the Center for Asian Studies (CAS) are awarded competitively to students studying modern Asian languages. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) funds and oversees these awards, under the provisions of Title VI of the Higher Education Act. Funding is contingent upon annual ED program approval, Federal regulations, and continued Congressional funding, all of which may change from year to year. FLAS awards cannot be deferred.
CAS is offeringsummerandacademic yearfellowships to CU-Boulder graduate and professional school students for summer 2024 and academic year 2024-25.
CAS is also offeringsummerfellowships for CU-Boulder and Metropolitan State University of Denver undergraduate students who can demonstrate financial need for summer 2024.
Eligible Languages
All modern Asia languages offered on the CU-Boulder campus; additional Asian languages can be considered for summer awards pending additional approval.
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Hindi/Urdu
- Indonesian*
- Japanese
- Korean
- Tibetan*
* Additional approval required after selection; consult with CAS for information.
Program Eligibility
Graduate Awards
Students are eligible to receive an Academic Year or Summer fellowship if they meet all of the following criteria:
- AY fellowships: Incoming or continuing degree-seekingCU graduate student; must pursue full-time study in accordance with CU requirements
- Summer fellowships: Continuing CU full-time, degree-seekinggraduate studentor will be enrolledin an intensive Asian language course at CU in the summer
- Citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States
- Will be enrolled in a formal modern Asian language course during the each termof the fellowship (native speakers of the language to be studied are not eligible)
- Will enroll in at least one Asian area studies course each semester (AY fellows)
- Have completed at least one year of study of the Asian language they will study during the period of the fellowship, or already have advanced proficiency in a different Asian language. (Alternatively, advanced proficiency may be in a non-Asian language if it is directly relevant to applicant’s interest in Asian studies, such as advanced proficiency in French related to an interest in Vietnam.)
Undergraduate Awards
Students are eligible to receive a Summer fellowship if they meet all of the following criteria:
- Continuing CU-Boulder or MSU Denver undergraduate full-time, degree-seekingstudent
- Citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States
- Will be enrolled in a formal modern Asian language course during the period of the fellowship (native speakers of the language to be studied are not eligible)
- Have completed at least one year of study of the Asian language they will study during the period of the fellowship
- Can demonstrate financial need, as indicated by FAFSA Estimated Family Contribution
Summer Fellowship Program Requirements
- Intended to provide the equivalent of one AY of intensive language study
- All programs require approval prior to program start; CU’s credit-bearingsummer Asian language offerings are pre-approved
- Advanced programs (3rd year and above) must offer a minimum of 120 contact hours
- Beginning (1st year; only allowed for graduate students studying a second Asian/related language, as described above) or Intermediate (2nd year) programs must offer a minimum of 140 contact hours
- Field trips or other cultural content does not count toward contact hours
- Program duration must be at least 6 weeks
- Both domestic and overseas intensive language programs can receive approval, provided that they meet above criteria
- Students should complete the full program and receive grades and submit transcripts to CAS for all FLAS coursework
Award Benefits
2024 Summer FLAS Fellowship (Graduate and Undergraduate Awards)
- Tuition: FLAS will cover up to $5,000 of tuition and fees.
- Stipend: FLAS will provide a stipend of $3,500.
2024-25 Academic Year FLAS Fellowship (Graduate Awards Only)
- Tuition: FLAS will cover up to $18,000 of tuition and fees ($9,000/semester).
- Stipend: FLAS will provide a stipend of $20,000 ($10,000/semester).
Application Deadline: February 15, 2024
Contact FLAS CoordinatorLucy Lin ( with any questions.
Edward G.SeidenstickerJapan Summer Research Grant
The Center for Asian Studies invites graduate students working on Japan to apply for the Edward G.SeidenstickerJapan Summer Research Grant. The Center will offer several grants of up to a maximum of $1200 each to help fund graduate-level researchon Japan,Japaneselanguage study in a formal program, or a combination of research and language studyduring Summer 2024.
All graduate students in good standing as of Spring 2024are invited to apply. Applicants will be required to submit:
- A two-page statement of purpose showing how grant funding would support their Japan-related research project or language study
- An application form
- C..
- Unofficial transcripts for all higher education institutions attended
- An itemized budget detailing anticipated expenses for the research project/language program
- A letter of recommendation
Funding is limited, so applicants are encouraged to submit reasonable and realistic budgets.
Application Information:
Send application materials Write “SeidenstickerGrant Application” in the subject line.
Application deadline isFebruary 15, 2024at 5 p.m. MST.
Award recipients will be required to submit a report in Fall 2024detailing the nature of their research/linguistic progress and the impact of theSeidenstickerfunding for CAS marketing and program development use.
If you have questions about this opportunity, please direct them to CAS Executive DirectorDanielle Rocheleau Salaz.
Undergraduate Tibetan and Himalayan Studies Scholarshipfor Study Abroad, Language Study, and/or Independent Research
Interested in the Himalayas? Stretching from Ladakh and Dharamsala in the west, through Nepal, and then east into Sikkim, Bhutan, and the Indian Himalayas, this region offers geographic, cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity.
The Tibet Himalaya Initiative and Center for Asian Studies invite scholarship applications from CU undergraduate students. Awards in amounts up to $2,500 are available for summer 2024. This scholarship is made possible thanks to funding from the US Department of Education’s Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages program.
Join us for a virtual information session on summer scholarship opportunities for research on or in the Tibet-Himalaya region, co-hosted by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, the Tibet Himalaya Initiative, and the Center for Asian Studies.
The session will be held on February 6thfrom 10:30am-11:00am on Zoom. You can sign up here:
Learn more here:
This scholarship has a rolling deadline, but we encourage you to apply early to ensure the funds have not run out.
Please contact CAS Accounting and Grant AssistantLucy LinatLucy.Lin@colorado.eduwith questions.