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Event this Saturday: Symposium on Student Assessments and Pedagogy in Less Commonly Taught Languages

September 30, 2023 09:00 AM
Humanities 250
(There is a football game on campus this day, so plan ahead. Parking will be very limited)

DzԳٲdalc@colorado.eduwith any questions

Please join us for a Symposium on Student Assessments and Pedagogy in Less Commonly Taught Languages (Arabic, Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Japanese, Korean).
Program information below:

Panel 1: 9:00-10:30 AM

Margaret Malone(ACTFL), “Using theACTFL Proficiency Guidelinesin LCTL Assessment: Principles and Tips”

Gabriela Nik Ilieva(NYU), “Differentiating Assessment in the Language Classroom Where Language, Culture, and Content Are Integrated”

Matt Coss(Michigan State University), “The Critical Role of Placement Testing in Successful Secondary-Postsecondary Program Articulation: Issues and Ideas”

Ѵǻٴǰ:Nidhi Arya()

Panel 2 : 10:45 AM-12:15 PM

Jayoung Song(Penn State University), “Facilitating Deeper Learning in Online Language Courses within the Community of Inquiry Framework”

Yan Li(University of Kansas), “Teaching in the Target Language from the Very Beginning”

Yasuko UchidaandRyo Takehara(Japan Foundation), “The Japan Foundation and the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education”

Ѵǻٴǰ:Yumiko Matsunaga()

Panel 3 1:15-2:45 PM

Sun-Young Shin(Indiana University, Bloomington), “The Effects of Proficiency Differences in Pairs on Korean Learners’ Speaking Performance”

May George(Smith College), “Infographics Design: A New Methodology in Teaching Language Skills and Implementing Assessment”

Naomi Geyer(University of Wisconsin, Madison), “Beyond Native-Speakerism: Rethinking Diversity through an Interview Project”

Ѵǻٴǰ:Mona Farrag Attwa()

Roundtable (All Presenters) 3:00-4:00 PM

Co-Sponsored by Asian Languages and Civilizations and the Center for Asian Studies

poster with dates and speakers listed