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SSEWA Outreach Program returns

The Center for Asian Studies is pleased to announce the return of the South, Southeast, and West Asia (SSEWA) Outreach Program, made possible by a $2.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education. (/asmagazine/2022/08/17/center-asian-studies-wins-22-million-help-make-asia-accessible-coloradans)

SSEWA-focused outreach expands the Center for Asian Studies’ efforts to connect curriculum development to Asian Studies research and scholarship and strengthens its status as a National Resource Center (NRC) for Asian Studies.

The revived SSEWA outreach program seeks to provide K-14 educators with opportunities for educational enrichment and professional development relating to the vast SSEWA regions. A series of Saturday workshops and an intensive summer program are in the pipeline for educators in the Colorado Front Range. An online database of curriculum materials and links to national resources related to SSEWA studies is also being developed to cater to a wider audience.

For more information about SSEWA-related activities, please visit /cas/outreach or contact the SSEWA Outreach Coordinator at Hannah.Palustre@colorado.edu
