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CAS continues to be part of world-wide administration of the JLPT

On Sunday, December 4, the Center for Asian Studies joined colleagues at 17 other test sites around the US and many more worldwide in hosting the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). We particularly want to thank the following proctors, assistants, and colleagues who helped us plan for and carry out our test hosting responsibilities over the past several months and culminating yesterday:

Susan Schmidt
Michiyo Colclasure
Hisako Schlibi        
Sae Ninomiya 
Laurel Rodd   
Lina Nakasone
Yumiko Matsugaga  
Mami Osler 
Raisa Stebbins  
Mari Gau
Keller Kimbrough    
Eiko Kimbrough
Kiyomi Kawakami    
Yuki Trautmann 
Asami Nash    
Chin-hsuan Wang
Yumi Nakasone
Maki Acosta
Maki Lindgren
Evan Salaz

And Administrators Danielle Salaz and Liza Williams

Administered by the Japan Foundation and managed in the US by the , the test allows non-native speakers of Japanese to evaluate their Japanese language ability with five distinct test levels, from N5 (beginning) to N1 (advanced). Approximately 250 people between the ages of 16 and 68 registered to take the test here at the Boulder site, with nearly over 7000 individuals taking the test across the US. Test results are made available in March 2023, and can serve as credentials for further study, including enrollment in Japanese institutions of higher education; in job applications; or for other personal uses.Ìý

The JLPT is administered annually in the US on the first Sunday in December, so the next test date will be Sunday, December 3, 2023. In other parts of the world, there is also an administration on the first Sunday in July. Registration for the next US-based test will begin in late summer and usually runs through late September. Further information about the JLPT,  is available at .Ìý

To all of yesterday’s test takers, we wish you the best of luck and continued success in your Japanese language journey. Thanks again to everyone who helped make it possible for us to hold the test. We look forward to seeing everyone again next December!