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CAS Event: Recent Developments in Iranian Women's Writing

Please join us Thursday, October 18 at 6 p.m. in Humanities 250 on CU-Boulder campus for an exciting lecture by Dr. Nasrin Rahimieh.

Dr. Rahimieh is a Professor of Comparative Literature and the Maseeh Chair and Director of Dr. Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture at the University of California, Irvine.  In this talk, Dr. Rahimieh will discuss recent developments in Iranian women's writing, situating them in the history of modern Persian prose and poetry.  The burgeoning of women's writing in the wake of the 1979 revolution might at first appear as a paradox.  But this most recent chapter of Persian literary history and womens' role in it is a consequence of Iranian discourses of modernity and the debates about women's education and their place within the fabric of the nation.  Drawing on literary works published in the late two decades, Dr. Rahimieh will demonstrate how a thematic focus on domesticity in novels and short stories lays bare the gendered construction of modern Iran.