Fall 2022 /anthropology/ en ANTH 4180 Anthropological Perspectives: Contemporary Issues Social Bioarchaeology /anthropology/2022/08/16/anth-4180-anthropological-perspectives-contemporary-issues-social-bioarchaeology ANTH 4180 Anthropological Perspectives: Contemporary Issues Social Bioarchaeology Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/16/2022 - 09:32 Tags: Fall 2022 Undergraduate Course Description

Course Description:

Human skeletal remains provide a window into the lived experiences of people in the past, but their interpretations are typically divided along theoretical and disciplinary lines. Human osteologists, for example, rely heavily on techniques for gathering and validating biological data on bodies and populations that supposedly transcend history, geography, and social setting. On the other hand, studies of the body that are deeply embedded in social contexts often fail to recognize the powerful material constraints posed by the human form, as well as the evolutionary history that has produced and shaped it. In this course we will seek a middle ground that acknowledges how the body emerges from evolutionary, biological, social, and behavioral forces. This approach recognizes the plasticity of the body, particularly the skeletal body.

This course will introduce the fundamental of skeletal analysis and overview traditional methods to determine demographic parameters (i.e., sex, age, ancestry) as well as indicators of activity, diet, pathology, and trauma. At the same time, we will carefully consider social identities, including gender, ethnicity, and class, as key variables and intersectional forces in the formation and transformation of bodies across the life course.

Fall 2022 T/Th 11am-12:05pm
Instructor: Dr. Lauren Hosek (lauren.hosek@colorado.edu)


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Tue, 16 Aug 2022 15:32:35 +0000 Anonymous 2231 at /anthropology
ANTH 4130 Advanced Osteology /anthropology/2022/08/16/anth-4130-advanced-osteology ANTH 4130 Advanced Osteology Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/16/2022 - 09:26 Tags: Fall 2022 Undergraduate Course Description

Course Description:

The study of human skeletal remains is a crucial part of biological anthropology, and has applications in archaeology, anatomy, paleontology, and forensics. This course is an intensive, in-depth study of the human skeleton. The primary focus is on the identification of human skeletal remains and fragmentary skeletal elements and their osseous structure. The ability to accurately and precisely identify remains is the fundamental skill in human osteology, and prerequisite to all subsequent analyses. To this end, students will be working in the laboratory with the human remains teaching collection. This course will also provide an introduction to the fundamentals of skeletal analysis and the methodologies used by practitioners to “read” skeletal remains.

Fall 2022 T/Th 2pm-3:05
Instructor: Dr. Lauren Hosek (lauren.hosek@colorado.edu)


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Tue, 16 Aug 2022 15:26:58 +0000 Anonymous 2230 at /anthropology
Global Seminar Summer 2023 - Primates of Vietnam /anthropology/2021/10/11/global-seminar-summer-2023-primates-vietnam Global Seminar Summer 2023 - Primates of Vietnam Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/11/2021 - 14:38 Tags: Fall 2022


  • Experience the biodiversity of Vietnam by exploring the floral and fauna of national parks, biosphere reserves, nature reserves, zoos, and animal rescue centers across the south of Vietnam.
  • Visit historical sites including museums, palaces, and preserved seaports to better understand the complex history of Vietnam and her relations with the world.
  • 3-week program traveling through cities and wild places in Southern Vietnam earning 3 credits
  • Meet Vietnamese researchers, program directors, and students who work in conservation organizations from both the central government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  •  Enjoy Vietnam’s world famous street foods and coffee culture.


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Mon, 11 Oct 2021 20:38:55 +0000 Anonymous 1991 at /anthropology
Global Seminar Summer 2023 - Mexico /anthropology/2021/08/09/global-seminar-summer-2023-mexico Global Seminar Summer 2023 - Mexico Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/09/2021 - 10:53 Tags: Fall 2022 Spring 2023


  • Visit archaeological sites including the ancient mountaintop city of Monte Albán, the tombs of Mitla, the hilltop fortress at Yagul, and the Queen’s palace of Teposcolula.
  • Experience an ongoing archaeological field project and get to see the excavations of a 1200-year old city and hear about the research from the archaeological team.
  • Learn about the pre-Columbian history of Mexico including the origins of agriculture, early village life, hieroglyphic writing and sacred history, the rise and fall of cities, and Lord 8 Deer, Jaguar Claw.
  • Travel throughout the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca from highland valleys to the tropical Pacific coast and experience the languages, cuisine, art, and culture of Oaxaca’s indigenous peoples.   
  • The Rio Verde Project directed by Professor Joyce: 


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Mon, 09 Aug 2021 16:53:53 +0000 Anonymous 1943 at /anthropology
ANTH 1190 Origins of Ancient Civilizations /anthropology/2018/02/26/anth-1190-origins-ancient-civilizations ANTH 1190 Origins of Ancient Civilizations Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 02/26/2018 - 10:39 Categories: Fall 2018 Fall 2020 Undergraduate Course Description Tags: Fall 2022

The earliest civilizations on earth were found in such diverse settings as Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley of Pakistan, China, Mexico and Central America, and Andean South America. These civilizations had huge cities’ powerful rulers, fascinating religious beliefs, and elaborate temples and palaces. In this course, we will study the archaeology of the origins of these ancient civilizations beginning with the end of the Ice Age about 10,000 years ago. We will examine the lives of the ancient people of these civilizations through the stiudy of their archaeological sites, artifacts, art, architecture, and writing. We explore some of the amazing discoveries from these early states: the Pyramid of the Sun at the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan, the tomb of the Maya ruler Pacal, the walls of Jericho, the Royal Cemetery at Ur, the Pyramids of Giza, and the great roadways of the Inca Empire.


Professor Arthur Joyce

See the for specifics, recommendations, and prerequisites.


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Mon, 26 Feb 2018 17:39:40 +0000 Anonymous 1168 at /anthropology
ANTH 2100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology /anthropology/2018/02/26/anth-2100-introduction-cultural-anthropology ANTH 2100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 02/26/2018 - 10:39 Categories: Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Spring 2020 Spring 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2021 Undergraduate Course Description Tags: Fall 2022 Featured Spring 2024 Courses Spring 2023 Summer 2022



What does it mean to think anthropologically? This course will provide an overview of the history and foundations of anthropological thought, with a special focus on the key method of anthropology: ethnography. Drawing on both classical and contemporary anthropological texts from a broad range of international settings, we will analyze the meaning of the categories we use to organize our experiences and social relationships. Topics will include: the "culture" concept, particularly in relation to ideas of difference, relativism, translation, and individual and group identity; the role of language, narrative, and interpretation in the constitution of the self and the social world; symbols, metaphors, and ideologies as forms of power and vehicles for social transformation; ethnographic methods, ethics, and techniques of anthropological research and fieldwork; and cross-cultural comparisons of systems of kinship, gender/sex/sexuality, labor and economic exchange.


See the for specifics, recommendations, and prerequisites.


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Mon, 26 Feb 2018 17:39:36 +0000 Anonymous 1148 at /anthropology
ANTH 3000 Primate Behavior /anthropology/2018/02/26/anth-3000-primate-behavior ANTH 3000 Primate Behavior Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 02/26/2018 - 09:40 Categories: Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Spring 2019 Undergraduate Course Description Tags: Fall 2022

While we humans tend to focus on ourselves, the goal of this course is to examine the natural history and behavior of your closest relatives, the nonhuman primates. Through lectures, streaming videos and web based materials, you will explore the diversity of primates from an evolutionary, biological and ecological perspective. Topics will include a broad survey of primate taxonomy and adaptations, primate ecology, social behavior, life history and cognition.  By the end of the course you will 1) have a working knowledge of primate taxonomy; 2) understand the basic primate biology and adaptation and the ecological and social context that selects for these traits and 3) better understand yourself as a mammal, a primate and a human! This course is approved for the arts and sciences core curriculum in the natural sciences.

Professor Michelle Sauther

See the for specifics, recommendations, and prerequisites.


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Mon, 26 Feb 2018 16:40:31 +0000 Anonymous 1106 at /anthropology
ANTH 7200 Bridging Seminar - Kinship Matters: Relatedness and Identity in Archaeological and Sociocultural Anthropology /anthropology/2016/04/25/anth-7200-bridging-seminar-kinship-matters-relatedness-and-identity-archaeological-and ANTH 7200 Bridging Seminar - Kinship Matters: Relatedness and Identity in Archaeological and Sociocultural Anthropology Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/25/2016 - 10:57 Tags: Fall 2022

Kinship Matters: Relatedness and Identity in Archaeological and Sociocultural Anthropology

Relationships between people-- and people and things-- are fundamental to human embodiment, identity, and political and social alignment, shaping experiences of inclusion and exclusion. How do archaeological and sociocultural anthropologists theorize and understand relationships? This course explores the social implications of conceptualizing relatedness beyond people and into the material world. In this course, we will explore a range of theoretical perspectives on relatedness. Archaeological perspectives include materiality and ontological approaches, practice-based analyses of performance and communities of practice, and the political, social, and ethical implications of archaeological definitions of relatedness, such as the definition of affiliation for NAGPRA. Sociocultural perspectives are rooted in the contemporary theorizations of relationality within the "new kinship" studies, theoretical approaches to relationships linking people, animals, and the natural world, and attention to the materiality of bodies, "blood," land, commodities and gifts, and the built environment. Overall, we explore the productive possibilities of thinking relationally across sub-disciplines, through diverse theoretical frameworks, to fold relationships with things into our theorizations of relationality more broadly.


Professor Fladd and Goldfarb

Mondays 1:30-4pm


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Mon, 25 Apr 2016 16:57:37 +0000 Anonymous 2199 at /anthropology